Bluechip is an independent stablecoin rating agency. We evaluate stablecoins, cryptocurrencies designed to hold their value over time, and we tell the public which stablecoins look safer.
Stablecoins offer a possible path to a safer, more reliable way to save for people around the world who lack access to good financial systems. But how can people tell which stablecoins have the best chance of actually being stable?
Bluechip offers the answer: we apply the lessons of economic theory and economic history to the new world of stablecoins. Both theory and history shape our views of what successful stablecoins will look like. And those lessons are at the core of our SMIDGE rating framework.
Our goal is to help every type of user, from people considering holding stablecoins for the first time, to regular users, to experts who manage large coin treasuries. Our ratings are based on our best judgment of each stablecoin's fundamentals, and as those data and our judgments update over time, so will our ratings.
Should you have any questions, feedback or suggestions for us, please contact us at any time.